Навчально-методичний посібник Modern Ukrainian Painters (додаток до HMK Solutions Intermediate)

Автор: Банах Ю.О.

Навчально-методичний посібник Modern Ukrainian Painters (додаток до НМК Solutions Intermediate).— Управління з питань освіти молоді та спорту Золочівської районної державної адміністрації. Методичний кабінет, 2013
Юлія Омелянівна Банах – вчитель англійської мови Золочіівської ЗОШ I-III ст. №2 імені Маркіяна Шашкевича, кваліфікаційна категорія «спеціаліст вищої категорії», педагогічне звання «Вчитель-методист».
Посібник призначений для учнів 10-11 класів при вивчені теми «Inspiration» (10-A «Art and artists») до НМК Solutions Intermediate з англійської мови. Подано тексти про сучасних українських художників, розробки завдань до них.
Відповідальний за випуск:
Юлія Омелянівна Банах — вчитель англійської мови Золочівської ЗОШ I-III ст. №2 імені Маркіяна Шашкевича, кваліфікаційна категорія «спеціаліст вищої категорії», педагогічне звання «Вчитель-методист».





Ukrainian painting is an integral part of world artistic culture. Folk spirit and realism became the main slogans of the democratic artists. In their works they frequently touched upon the acute social problems of the day. They also actively asserted positive ideals, depicted the harmony of nature and man and reproduced in vivid images the eternal fascination of life. The best works of the time are characterized by realistic motives, penetrated with emotions; painting is sophisticated and colorful.

Yuriy Yehorov
Yuriy Yehorov, the painter who has been such a dominant figure in the Southern Ukrainian painting in the last two or three decades, that some art critics even call these decades “the epoch of Yehorov”. His generations, pure and simple paintings open for us the beauty of the sea of Odesa. Yehorov paints everything, even his big canvases, not in his studio but outdoors, in the open air. He wants to be in contact with what he paints all the time. There is some magic in his art.

Orest Slishynskyi

The characteristic noise of the port reaches Slishynskyi’s studio through the open window. The paintings are like windows open to the sun, light and splendor of southern landscapes. But in general Orest Slishyskyi prefer cold and subdued colors, the mood of his paintings is often somewhat melancholic. Probably it is because he studied at the Fine Arts Academy in St. Petersburg and the several climate of the northern city had left an indelible impact upon him. Nevertheless in some of his paintings one does find explosions of emotions, hot monochromatic generosity. Orest Slishyskyi loves overseas voyages, loves travelling and from his travels he brings back pictures of the places he has visited. In his young years he went to study at a merchant-navy school but left it to devote himself to the art of painting. But in spite of his occasional urge to see distant lands, he prefers to pain what is close to his heart: the Crimean landscapes, the town of Sudack with its mediaeval Genoese fortress, the town Yalta, Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi, a small Ukrainian town. Says Slishyskyi: “You see, I just love that little town. There used to be a very ancient settlement at the place where now Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi stands. People lived there twenty five hundred years ago. Imagine that. So, whenever I get there, I feel the energy of so many generations of people that is getting into me. It’s all very mysterious, but it moves me to be creative, inspires me.”

Volodymyr Tsiupko
“Mysterious,” “mystical,” “mystic” are the words that came to mind when we see the paintings by Volodymyr Tsiupko. Many of us are aware that there exiting that goes beyond our everyday world, something that is much above it, something eternal and imperishable. The artist Tsiupko is after looking into the mysterious world. Some of the writings of Nikolai Gogol are a source of inspiration for Tsiupko. His pictures are an invitation to ponder the existential and transcendental mysteries. “The goal of art is to turn chaos into harmony,” says Tsiupko expressing his thoughts aloud. “There is what I call the real art and pseudo-art. Painting is just a form to be filled with contents. If art does not fulfil its harmonizing function, it’s bad art. Art is a part of the ritual called “life” and it exists not for entertaining but for shaping the spiritual world of man.”
In his wall and easel paintings Volodymyr Tsiupko creates a strange world full of shapes, colors, surface texture. These elements of Tsiupko’s pictorial world live a life of their own, interacting with each other, with the world visible and the world transcendental. The artist teaches us not only to react emotionally to art but also to ponder the universal, spiritually complex, mysterious. Tsiupko’s art makes you ponder and wonder. There is something similar between the streets of Odessa and Basanet’s art. Basanets shares some of his views on art with us, “I wish I had a child’s ingeniousness and could look at the world through a child’s eyes.” Looking at Basanets’ pictures is in a sense like reading Japanese poems made up of three lines each. The same compressed poetic formulas; it does not leave you indifferent. You cannot help having your concentration focused, you can’t help searching for an impulse sent to you by the artist which makes you aware of a profound meaning hidden in them. Similarly, looking at Basanets’ pictures makes you aware that these is much more in them than they actually represent pictorially.

Serhіу Savchenko
Savchenko’s art can be described as abstract. In the Soviet times abstractionism was suppressed and abstract artists could show their works only at “underground” exhibition or privately to a few art lovers. Often they were persecuted. Now, in the independent Ukraine artists are free to show their works at exhibitions and art galleries, no matter what style or art trend they follow. Savchenko’s abstract pictures are dynamic compositions with rich symbolism and a system of signs not unlike that of a pysanka (a painted and ornamented Easter egg) or a vyshyvanka (an embroidered towel, kerchief etc.). One has to learn to read these special signs of abstract art. It’s like learning a foreign language. But once you have learnt it, it opens to you its richness.

Volodymyr Kabachenko
“My works are connected in a sense with Ukrainian poetic folklore. They belong to a peculiar world of philosophic symbolism. They are fairy-tales through not for kids but for mature grownups. It’s impossible to understand them without an effort, without thinking them over, without a conscious attempt to penetrate into their chimerical world made of things irrational and unreal and quite real things. But words cannot describe what I wanted to express through my art. You just have to look. Can one describe the beauty of the river in such a way that you would really feel it? Or you can one des cribe in words the emotional impact the starry sky makes upon us at night? Can one catch the irrationality of our dreams?”

Mykola Prokopenko
Prokopenko’s paintings reveal his fascination with the beauty and grace of a woman’s body. The artists also explore the intricaties and nuances of human relations and emotional states. The women he shows on his canvases are not at all like emancipated and almost sexless females one can now see so often on TV screens, in movies and in real life who look and talk tougher, more mude and more profligate than the man himself. No, you will not find such women in Prokopenko’s art. His women are full of magic and charm, they are loveable, bewitching, sensuous, teasing.

Words and word-combinations:
one should not escape reality—не слід втікати від дійсності
mechanized – механізований
subconscious – підсвідомий
artistic brushstrokes- майстерні штрихи
sitter, syn. model—натурник
emotional appeal—емоційне звернення
thought-provoking—що примушує замислитись

Tables: Substitution Tables:

  1. What styles of paintings attract/captivate/interest you most of all?

Among  all

torrent  currents  trends  styles


appeals to me
attracts me
interests me
fascinates me
captivates me



It is perfect in itself and remains to be the background for learning painting.
I like to see refined images.
One should not escape reality even in art.
I like clear lines and geometrical shapes.
It expresses the energy of a modern mechanized life-style.
Of the color and light effects.
It tries to express what is in the subconscious mind.
It does not make picture of an object but expresses the artist’s ideas and feelings about some aspects of it.

  1. What kinds of art do you admire/appreciate/like/prefer?

To tell the truth
Frankly speaking
To be sincere
To be honest

among all kinds of art I

am interested in
am fond of

pictorial art.

  1. What modern Ukrainian painters do you know?

The canvas   The watercolor

is entitled


belongs to the brush of
is painted by
is executed by
is created by

Taras Shevchenko
Mykola Pymonenko
Mykola Samokish
Serhiу Vasilkivskyi

a distinguished
a famous
a prominent
an illustrious
an outstanding
a well-known

Ukrainian artist.
Russian painter.

  1. How can you describe works of art?

We can see

the bright autumn
a sunny day
trees with golden/red/light-brown  leaves
dark clouds on the light blue sky
cold dark water
a group of people
a stormy sea
several cottages
a portrait of the beautiful women
marvelous landscape

a figure of a maid.
in the foreground.
in the middle ground.
in the background.
to the right/left of the picture

  1. What is the manner of painting? What do paintings convey?

The picture
The painting
The canvas

is executed      is painted

mostly in


tones colors  hues


is conveys      a sense      of space

filled with        full of       penetrated with


6. What painting do you prefer?

But in painting

I prefer

oils to watercolors.
landscape painting to genre painting.
portraiture to sea-scape.
still-life to a battle-piece.
historical painting to a flower-piece.
masterpiece to a chaotic surrealistic painting.

7. What do artists/render express/in their works?

I must say that
I want to tell you that
As a matter of fact
By the way

artistic brushstrokes add much to vividness of the color.
landscapes isn’t just a view, there is always a deeper meaning in it.
only a mature artist can render the sitter’s inner qualities through the portrait.
depicting very simple objects skilled painter can break your heart.
emotional appeal of some historical paintings is thought-provoking.

8. What role does art play?

It is common knowledge
I think
I want to tell you
I must say


a painting
a masterpiece
a genuine piece of art
a fine work of art

makes a deep and lasting impression on us if it

is realistic.
is penetrated with emotions.
depicts scenes of common life.
renders a poetic expression.
touches upon acute social problems.
creates true to life images.
is thought-provoking.

9. How does it influence our mind?

To my mind
In my opinion


plays an important role in the development of our aesthetic taste.
changes our views, outlook and mood.
enriches our inner world.
cultivates love for people.


  1. Yuriy Yehorov……………………………………………………………….. 3
  2. Orest Slishyskyi……………………………………………………………… 4
  3. Volodymyr Tsiupko………………………………………………………… 6
  4. Serhіу Savchenko…………………………………………………………… 9
  5. Volodymyr Kabachenko………………………………………………….. 10
  6. Mykola Prokopenko……………………………………………………….. 11
  7. Words and word-combinations………………………………………… 12
  8. Substitution Tables…………………………………………………………. 13

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